My Cosmic Vision

The column by Erich Bauer

Mars and Venus, the cosmic love duo, are still shaking hands and even hugging, giving the week a friendly face. Mars meets up with Uranus in Taurus around the middle of the month and together they have to deal with Mercury: So the week won't be calm and level-headed. It's all about being right, asserting yourself, beating each other up. Now that you know this, you can at least hold back a little and smile at those who don't know what you know. Another important point: Mars and Uranus meet in the zodiac sign of Taurus. This suggests that money will be handled anything but wisely. So think twice before you go shopping.

Surrounded by ambitious colleagues and a boss who treats you like air? No problem. Pluto helps you to fight for your interests. And thanks to the calming influence of Venus, you won't come across as cold and careerist.

Lucky planet Jupiter creates a party mood. You are partying non-stop. In the middle of the week, the Sun sends someone to woo you fiercely and persistently. At first you are skeptical, but after the hesitant warm-up you are all the more in love. At the end of the week, it's okay to be a little more forceful in your proposals. Otherwise someone won't take you seriously.

Enjoy the moment. Even if the stars are exaggerating a little when you favor someone else every day. One thing's for sure: you could make out like crazy this week and not necessarily with the same person twice. But don't expect any big love stories.

From one to the next: you've had it long enough. Venus is settling down. The nesting instinct awakens in July. You become calm(er), domesticated and faithful. If you already have a partner who accompanies you to the theater, goes on moonlit walks, has long conversations: wonderful. If not, you should give all the charming greyhounds the boot and look for him.

Venus is in your zodiac sign. Your pulse rate will certainly not remain steady and your emotional life will not remain stable either. The cosmos is more generous than ever. How would you like it? That your partner admires you? Your breakfast egg served with a jewelry box from your favorite jeweler? Satisfy your wildest sex fantasies? Wake you up with the sentence "Come on honey, let's start a family!"? Anything can happen! Venus is in a spending mood and makes your favorite dreams come true.

Summer break? Not where your career is concerned. Mercury even sponsors you when you're on vacation - and even more so when you have to hold down the fort. Around the middle of the week, go through the day very carefully or stay in bed: Your astro program includes mishaps, bad luck and breakdowns.

Off through the middle. Try to take a vacation for at least a few days. Whether in a luxury bed or on an air mattress, sex with your partner will be as hot and wild, as sweet and tender as in the very first taster phase. Singles also benefit from the vacation bonus. As soon as the front door slams shut behind you, you are super-relaxed and open to any vacation flirtation.

Put on some extra-thick armor - and the ability to smile at the drop of a hat. No one will thank you for your above-average commitment in July. But don't put on a bad face.

Is there a crisis in your relationship? Is that certain sizzle missing because everyday life is suffocating any desire? Then look forward to this week. The magic of Venus will bring passion back. The only condition: get out of the routine. Dare to do something new: take a weekend vacation together - and get into bed. A great love adventure awaits singles - with someone you've known for a long time.

Dare to take on tasks for which you would otherwise lack the courage. With Mars and Mercury as your partner, you're well-positioned in theory and practice - which means you're quick in your head and fast in your execution.

You can forget about everything going as usual. Jupiter has a box full of surprises. It may well be that someone from the neighborhood just wants to borrow a beer - and ends up in your bed. Around the middle of the week, love suddenly comes into play - and the "oops-what-was-that-affair" turns into a real love story.

Sooo romantic! The Sun in Cancer awakens your softer side. You're looking for someone to snog. If he also sends flowers, holds hands for hours and whispers declarations of love under the stars, you've landed on the right person. You're really into the emotional act. Sex? Not that important.

Jahreshoroskop 2025

2025 wird ein Jahr der Entscheidungen, in dem die Sterne Ihr volles Potenzial entfesseln. Inmitten globaler Umwälzungen liegt es an Ihnen, ob Sie die Chancen ergreifen und Ihr Leben in eine neue Umlaufbahn katapultieren.

Ketten sprengen

Auch Sie sind nur eine Entscheidung davon entfernt ein völlig anderes Leben zu führen. Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir unser gesamtes Leben lang einen spirituellen Begleiter haben...

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